So by the time I gave up hope, it was night. Was going to head down town and get some shots, but didn't have anything in particular in mind. The first place I came up to was the Colorado College campus. The campus is pretty cool. It has several of its orignal buildings like the church and administration building, mixed in with a bunch of modern buildings. I was surprised to see the front door to the church open (it was like 10 pm) and empty. I almost went inside to shoot some, but decided against it.
After I got done on campus, I went downtown. I was hoping to do some stuff around the clubs (it was a Saturday night on a 4 day weekend and the military just got paid), but I didn't really see anything that caught my eye. I kept driving and ended up at the pioneer museum where I had done my shoot with Jeannie. It actually looked pretty cool at night.
When I walked around to the back and looked at the art work we had used, it was pretty cool. It took me a few tries to get the exposure right, but I really think the shot came out great.
I was getting ready to leave, and then thought about something I had wanted to try when I was shooting with Jeannie. I wanted to try and get some light beams coming out from behind the piece out towards the camera. Unfortunately that day it was broad daylight, but now it wasn't. Up until now, i have never really tried any kind of effects with my lights, but figured this was a good chance. I never managed to get the look I was going after (despite about 10 attempts), but I think that this is a pretty nice look reguardless.
You can see the rest of my shots from this night on my "Night Shots" folder on Flickr.