Troy's Shooting Schedule

Want to know my shooting schedule?  Check out my calendar and lets schedule a shoot today - Troy's Shooting Schedule

Check out my Facebook fan site - Facebook Fan Site

Check out my Flickr photo stream - Flickr Photo Stream

Friday, January 29, 2010

More of Emily posted

Finally got a chance to finish working on my shots of Emily and got them posted.  I am really happy with how they came out.  Here are a few, but you can see the entire set on my Flickr feed.



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Emily Previews

So on Thursday afternoon I had the pleasure of going out and shooting with Emily, a student at KSU.  The shoot went great and I am really happy with what we got.  Here are just a couple of the shots that we were able to take away from it.  Check back soon for the full shoot.

Friday, January 15, 2010

More Tye Pictures

Finally got a chance to finish working on Tyes photos from last week and I have to say, I am pretty happy with them.  I found Tye on Model Mayhem (check her out at Totaly Tye to see more of her stuff).  We went shooting in Heritage Park here in Junction City.  Below are a few of my favorite pictures from our session, but you can find the entire set by going to her set on Flick.  Check them out.




Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tye Previews

Finally got a chance to get started on editing Tye's photos that I took on Sunday.  Tye has been modeling for about a year now and just moved into the Fort Riley area about a month ago.  Here is a sneak peak of just a few of what we were able to get.  More to follow soon.

Friday, January 8, 2010

My Current Shooting Schedule

Here is my current shooting schedule.  If you are interested in shooting with me, check out my calendar and lets figure out when we both have some free time to make this happen.  Right now I am looking to build up my portfolio and am looking for people willing to shoot TFCD (or if you want to pay me, I will happily take your money too).  If you're interested, send me a note to

A night out shooting

So as you may know, I am a member of a group of local photographers on facebook.  The other day one of the other guys, Luke Townsend posted a message asking for someone to help him out with a night shoot.  I love Luke's flash work and since I am mildly retarded (ok fully retarded) when it comes to working with flash I jumped at the chance.  We went KSU and managed to get into this cool little "basement" section to shoot two models.  After spending a fair amount of time getting the lighting setup just right (never truely realized what all was involved in it to get "the right look" we started shooting.  Some of the shots were great (hopefully he will get some up on his blog before to long).  In addition to helping set the lighting and generally playing gopher boy, I was also the lighting dummy part of the time.

Who knew that I looked good in purple?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Abandoned Stuff

So I spent the better part of last night going through and editing the stuff that I had taken yesterday.  It seems like the word of the day yesterday was "abandoned".  I managed to find some really cool places to shoot.  Unfortunately the snow kept me from getting as close to some as I would have preferred, but hey, I still managed to get some great shots in the end.  Here are a couple.  Check out my Flickr stream to see the rest.




Saturday, January 2, 2010

Son of a B*&ch

So as I posted earlier, I decided to brave the cold today (we got up to 10 degrees by the way) and go shooting out in the country.  I had mapped out 8 locations that I wanted to hit up (along with anything I might pass on the way).  Things were going good.  Most spots were good (a couple were a bust though).  I was at my 2nd to last location and parked the car on the side of the road to walk up to the location (A bridge over a frozen river).  I was walking up and hit a patch of ice.  I went falling backwards, I tried to tuck the camera into my body, but apparently it didn't work.  It hit the ground.  I got myself up and picked up the camera.  I looked and saw the lense 5 feet away.  Unforutnately it hadn't come off the camera body cleaning (would have been nice).  Instead it ripped it apart (check out the picture below).  The worse part is, this lense is pretty much brand new.  I bought it about 2 months ago when we were in Colorado because my other lense bit the dust on me.  Oh well, guess I get to see how much it will cost to repair, or get another lense.

Going out shooting

Well it is currently about -5 degrees F outside right now with the windchill, and only supposed to get up to 15 today with the posability of a little snow.  Sounds like the perfect day to go do a little shooting.  Locations I plan on hitting up include a more or less ghost town, and old cemetary and a frozen over water spot in the county next door.  Should be fun.

Last night I had duty and was driving back home at about 1 am from doing my security checks and realized all of the cool shots that Junction City has late at night.  I think I might have to go and do a night shoot sometime soon.