Troy's Shooting Schedule

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Friday, January 8, 2010

A night out shooting

So as you may know, I am a member of a group of local photographers on facebook.  The other day one of the other guys, Luke Townsend posted a message asking for someone to help him out with a night shoot.  I love Luke's flash work and since I am mildly retarded (ok fully retarded) when it comes to working with flash I jumped at the chance.  We went KSU and managed to get into this cool little "basement" section to shoot two models.  After spending a fair amount of time getting the lighting setup just right (never truely realized what all was involved in it to get "the right look" we started shooting.  Some of the shots were great (hopefully he will get some up on his blog before to long).  In addition to helping set the lighting and generally playing gopher boy, I was also the lighting dummy part of the time.

Who knew that I looked good in purple?

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